Saturday, January 24, 2009

recovery looks like this

January evening sky.
Frozen pond. December snow storm.

Wild Mountain with the remains of the December snows.
November. Past the ruination of the stone wall I built in my 8th month of pregnancy 32 years ago, you see Wild Mountain.  Thanksgiving has a whole new meaning now.

from half a year later

Six months on, our world looks and feels very different. 
Some are living on their land. It's barren, but no longer does the ash tear your throat, nor eat through your clothes.  Nature is beginning to replenish. It's raining today...our third rain since the fires. It's soft and steady...a benediction.
the snap-shots:
directly above: my first trip to my home post-fire 6 days
above it: 3 weeks after the fire, the bracken ferns push up from charred earth
middle image: august. these little sprouts from the root crown appear to be the 3rd incarnation of this live oak
2nd from top: september. our beloved mother mountain in the background: Wild Mountain
top: October. the earth is still black, but there is green and PINK too

S H E D S !

Well, we all know that sheds aren't exactly sexy, but they sure are useful. I thought anyone reading this might like to hear what Concow residents said when notified that they were to be one of the shed recipients.
(check back to the main site to read about this Concow Phoenix/CSUChico Construction Management Department project)

>*"Finally, some good news."
*"It's a blessing! It's just a blessing!"
*"It's almost more important than the house."
*"Great, now I can get my tools out from under the tarp!"

Big ol' thanks to the student volunteers who reached out and helped folks in the foot hills start to rebuild. Y'all ROCK!

Friday, January 9, 2009

1/27 Butte Watershed Workshop

Butte County Department of Water and Resource Conservation

Rural Watersheds Workshop

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

4:00-8:00 PM

Butte College Cafeteria

3536 Butte Campus Drive

Oroville, CA

Join us for a FREE workshop on how best to

use and conserve water, as well as reduce fire

risks on your property in rural Butte County.

Water is a vital resource. When properly

managed, everyone benefits from healthy

watersheds, vibrant wildlife and environmental

populations, more effective agricultural

production and reduced fire risks.

Presentations Include:

How does groundwater function?

• Ways to monitor and efficiently use


• Implications of current drought conditions.

• A Healthy Watershed... what does

that mean?

• Fire wise living on your property.

• How to rebuild and replant after a

catastrophic fire.

• Effective and efficient gardening

using native vegetation.

• Erosion control.

Light refreshments will be served

For more information on the workshop,

including a detailed list of presentations and

speakers, visit:


Information Booths:
• Butte County Resource Conservation
• Tehama County Resource
Conservation District
• Natural Resources Conservation
• Butte Fire Safe Council
• Butte Creek Watershed Conservancy
• Big Chico Creek Watershed Alliance
• Little Chico Creek Watershed Group
• Deer Creek Watershed Conservancy
• Golden Feather Watershed/Concow
Phoenix Project
• Butte County Farm Advisor

This workshop is presented by the Butte County
Department of Water and Resource Conservation
Watershed Outreach and Education Program in
conjunction with local watershed groups. Funds for
these activities have been provided by a grant from
the CALFED Watershed Program and administered by
the Department of Water Resources.